Our web accessible proprietary Process Serving Management & Reporting System©® provides automated e-mail Notifications of Service, real time Service Attempt logs, Case Status Reports, Process Server Activity Verification and Performance Reports, Batch Invoicing, Computer-Generated Proofs of Service, the ability to electronically submit and forward process for service and is fully integrated with the newest in PDF printing, scanning and retention technology allowing our clients and courts to view, access and retrieve all case relevant documents at the click of a button.
Our office has correctly handled well over 130,000 cases, including over 4,500 evictions, successful collection on more than 4,000 seizures, and provides service in more than 53 counties with a combined population of 4,189,101 people and a larger geographic area (31,248.93 square miles) than anyone else in Michigan.
Risk & Associates County Civil Process is fully staffed with over 50 Court Officers, Deputy Sheriffs, Eviction Specialists and Process Servers, many of which are certified by the Michigan Court Officers’, Deputy Sheriffs’ and Process Server’s Association. We also have a very knowledgeable and hard-working office staff leading operations on a daily basis.
Rick E. Risk
Certified Michigan Court Officer & Deputy Sheriff
Tanya Spitzley
Operations Manager, Process & Case Management Divisions
Greg Geiger
Administrative Assistant, Judgment Enforcement Division
Kaylah Fyan
Case Management Specialist, Process Division
Dave Risk
Case Management Specialist, Process Division
Matt Risk
Property Restoration Coordinator, Operations Division
Heather Geiger
Data Entry Specialist, Process Division
Melanie Nurenberg
Data Entry Specialist, Process Division
4,189,101 people and a larger geographic area (31,248.93 square miles) than anyone else in Michigan.
“Risk & Associates County Civil Process is truly a professional organization. They are extremely reliable. Our papers are served promptly, and their fees are always appropriate.”
Cathy Weisses, Office Administrator
Law Firm of Gray & Gray
“The law firm of John D. Bradshaw, P.C. has found Risk & Associates Count Civil Process to be very competent, reliable and knowledgeable in all manners of civil process. We utilize their services wherever available.”
Ryann Blesing
Law Firm of John D. Bradshaw
“Whenever I need civil process service, I go directly to Risk & Associates County Civil Process. Their manner of service is professional, timely and efficient. Rick and his staff make my job much easier by taking on the task of adjusting court dates, serving court documents using professional investigative tools and making contact with our members. Risk & Asscociates make my work easier, and I wouldn’t contact anyone else.”
June Cole
Thornapple Valley Community Credit Union